Natural Resource Advisory Committee
The Blues Intergovernmental Council (BIC) members include leaders from all 14 local counties, as well as federal, state, and tribal government entities. The diverse membership of the BIC ensures numerous perspectives and interests are represented. BIC members aligned around the common goals of working together to support healthy forests and healthy communities. The Blue Mountains Forest Plan is an important part of providing for the sustainable needs of the landscape and the needs of current and future generations. The BIC members are committed to understanding differences and identifying solutions that consider the diverse perspective of stakeholders surrounding the Blue Mountains. Through these discussions, the BIC can help inform the development and implementation of durable Forest Plans by working through ongoing forest management challenges together.
More information about the Blues Intergovernmental Council.
The Wallowa County Court established the Wallowa County Natural Resource Advisory Committee (NRAC) and its Technical Committee on June 17th, 1996.
The mission of the NRAC, as directed by Wallowa County Court Order 96-011, is "to review the implementation of the Goal 3 (agricultural), Goal 4 (forest), and Goal 5 (natural resource) provisions of Wallowa County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
The implementation will include:
maintaining an inventory of the amount and condition of the County's natural resources
coordinating implementation among applicable tribal, local, state, and federal agency regulations
assisting landowners in the development of comprehensive resource management plans
reviewing project proposals for compliance with provisions of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
monitoring results of projects
reviewing the effectiveness of projects
recommending amendments to the Plan."
The Wallowa County Natural Resource Advisory Committee and its technical committee were appointed in the spring of 1996 by the Wallowa County Court.
The mission of the Wallowa County Natural Resource Advisory Committee is to review the implementation of agricultural, forest, and natural resource provisions of Wallowa County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
The committee is comprised of twenty members representing the following interests: Tribal, Federal, Landowner, Business, Industry, Professional, State, Environmental, County, and Community. The Advisory Committee is supported in its endeavors by a Technical Committee that provides natural resource expertise.