Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision – Summary of Public Feedback, Assessment Phase

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The Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests are pleased to provide a summary of public feedback received for the assessment phase of the Blue Mountains Forest Plan revision process. Input on the draft assessment, Potential Species of Conservation Concern (SCC) list, Lands that May Have Wilderness Character draft inventory, and Wild and Scenic Rivers draft inventory was provided by the public from March 24 – May 26, 2024.

Updates on the Forest Plan Revision process, including future engagement opportunities, will be available on our website so please stay tuned! Please email any questions to the revision inbox sm.fs.bluesforests [at] or call 541-278-3716 to engage with the Forest Service.

Looking forward to the next steps of the planning process, the public will have further opportunities throughout the plan development and NEPA scoping to provide comments and new information as it relates to the proposed action and other possible alternatives.


CLICK HERE to view and download the Summary of Public Feedback, Assessment Phase