Community Wildfire Protection Plan

The county’s goal is to provide the best protection for those living in and near wildland-urban interfaces where private and public lands intersect. This CWPP expands risk assessment to include middle ground landscapes beyond the homes to restore forest resiliency on both sides of the public/private divide. It is also the intent of this plan to identify the roles and responsibilities of all those that represent Wallowa County including, but not limited to, county, state, and federal agencies, cooperators, and private land owners. It is the county’s desire to advance in wildfire risk mitigation while focusing on three key overall goals of fire-adapted communities, resilient landscapes, and appropriate wildfire response.

Wallowa County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

2024 Revision 


What is happening? In a proactive step to protect residents, homes, and the region’s natural resources, Wallowa County is announcing the launch of the revision of their Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), and are seeking the input of county residents through participation in public meetings and an informational survey.  


What is a CWPP? Developed with input from community stakeholders, the Plan outlines key strategies to minimize fire hazards and enhance wildfire preparedness across vulnerable areas of the county. By focusing on prevention, community engagement, and improved emergency response, the plan will help strengthen the county’s resilience to wildfires and how to live in a fire-adapted landscape.  


Community engagement & upcoming events: Wallowa County residents and landowners are encouraged to share their concerns and provide their input through a series of public meetings and a community survey.

  • Community MeetingsThe first county-wide public community meeting will be Monday, November 4th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Hurricane Creek Grange at 82930 Airport Ln, Joseph, OR 97846 and will focus on concerns, opportunities and project ideas throughout Wallowa County. We want your input - please invite your neighbors! Food and drinks will be provided. 
  • Contact Katy Nesbitt at knesbitt [at] (knesbitt[at]co[dot]wallowa[dot]or[dot]us) for more information or questions. There will be additional public meetings in various communities around the county; details will be posted as they become available on this website.
  • Community surveyPlease fill out the community survey. 




October 21, 2024 - Wallowa County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Advisory Group Kick Off Meeting at Wallowa County Fairgrounds  


Wallowa County Community Wildfire Protection Plan - Core Team 




Katy Nesbitt, Wallowa County Natural Resources Director


Willy Crippen, Blue Mountains Cohesive Wildfire Strategy Coordinator



Tracy Brostrom, Oregon Department of Forestry - Wallowa Unit

Doug Cates, Umatilla National Forest 

Alyssa Cudmore, Wallowa Resources

Elena Cussler, Wallowa Resources 

Paul Karvoski, Wallowa County Emergency Management

Heather Melville, Forestry Consultant

Chris Paul, Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office, NE Oregon 

Ida Pacheco, Hurricane Canyon Firewise Community 


Todd Peterson, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

Jesse Bohnsack, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

Ron Polk, Lostine Canyon Firewise Community

Jenny Reinheardt, Wallowa Firewise Coordinator, Wallowa Soil and Water Conservation District 

Cynthia Warnock, Wallowa Soil and Water Conservation District 

Gary Willis, Lostine Canyon Firewise Community & SWCD consultant