Programs and Services

DYS offers a variety of services and programs for youth on probation, some services are also available for youth who are not in the juvenile justice system.

  • Drug & Alcohol Education Class: This is a weekly class co-faciliatated by DYS and Wallowa Valley Center for Wellness. Youth are usually referred to this class after receiving a Minor in Possession citation or as a component of their outpatient treatment plan.
  • Community Resource Team: This service is available to all youth and families in Wallowa county who may be struggling with any number of issues. Community partners participate and help develop a unified case plan that addresses the individual needs of the youth and/or family. The program is coordinated by the safety net program through contact with DYS and CCF.
  • Youth Employment/Enrichment Program: DYS provides working and learning opportunities to youth as a way to assist with independent living and basic life skills development. Youth are served on a first come, first serve basis due to limited funding for this program. This program is offered to youth on probation, and to you who are not in the juvenile justice system.
  • In-School Suspension (ISS): DYS provides the schools this service as a tool to maintain appropriate behaviors in the classroom setting. Youth can serve their suspension time in a room provided at the DYS office .  We do not however offer a teacher or someone to directly supervise the youth. Youth on probation may experience ISS as a consequence or probation condition to reinforce appropriate behavior and attendance in school.
  • Referrals: DYS can provide appropriate referrals to families seeking services and or support for their youth. Drug testing kits are also available.
  • Girls Circle: Girls Circle is a structured support group that involves girls’ ages 9-18 that meet in groups of 6 to 12 girls. These circles can be anywhere from 8 to 12 week long programs that are run by two trained female facilitators that meet once a week. Our strengths-based, skill building approach creates a safe space for girls to address risky behaviors, build on protective factors, and improve relationships in a format that interests and engages girls.
  • Boys Council: Boys Council is also a structured support group, but it involves boys’ ages 9-12 and has anywhere from 6 to 10 boys. They meet once a week for about 10 weeks with two trained male faciliators. The Council is a strengths-based group approach to promote boys’ and young men’s safe, strong and healthy passage through pre-teen and adolescent years.