Youth Services

The Department of Youth Services is committed to a balanced approach to Juvenile Justice. This balance involves four essential elements:

  • Public Safety: DYS is responsible to the community by providing an appropriate response to behavior that endangers others or their property
  • Accountability: DYS is committed to holding youth accountable for their actions to their victims and to the community, we help youth to understand and develop better ways of thinking.
  • Skill Building: DYS has many programs that strive to incorporate skill building activities that tie youth back into the community promoting a sense of value, belonging, and achievement.
  • Reduce Recidivism: DYS’s goal is to reduce the rates of re-offenders among the youth we serve by helping them understand the importance of public safety, accountability and skill building.

Staff Contacts

ext. 2302
Juvenile Counselor
ext. 2304
Juvenile Tracker
ext. 2303

104 W Greenwood St.
Enterprise, OR 97828
United States

View in Google Maps

45.4249983, -117.2657472